radiation News

Florida Could Study Use of Radioactive Gypsum on Roads if Bill Signed

Florida may study whether a radioactive waste byproduct of fertilizer production can be used to help build roads under a bill passed by the Legislature. The proposal, which awaits a signature from Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, would task the state …

No Fukushima Radiation Found in Oregon, Says Group

A group testing West Coast waters for radiation from a damaged Japanese nuclear power plant says no evidence of contamination has been found in Oregon. Massive amounts of contaminated water were released from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan …

Radiation Treatment Lawsuit in Hawaii Settled for $15M

The family of a lung cancer patient who suffered injuries after he was exposed to overdoses of radiation has settled a lawsuit for $15 million in compensation. Zacarias Chichioco Jr. received about 2.5 times the appropriate amount of radiation he …

Complaint: Southern California Edison Manipulated Nuclear Plant Repair Costs

A complaint filed with California regulators says Southern California Edison boosted the cost of replacing defective steam generators at the troubled San Onofre nuclear plant. The Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility complaint says the utility violated federal securities law by manipulating …

Operator At California Nuke Plant Disputes Safety Claim

The utility that runs the troubled San Onofre nuclear power plant on the California coast sharply denied Thursday that it was aware of equipment problems linked to a 2012 tube break that released a trace of radiation. On Wednesday, Sen. …

Oversight Board Questions Nuke Lab Radiation Risk

Los Alamos National Laboratory significantly underestimated how much radiation could leak from the nation’s premier plutonium lab after a major earthquake and fire, a federal oversight panel concluded. The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board recently sent lab officials a report …

More Workers May Exceed Japan’s Radiation Limit

Six more workers at Japan’s tsunami-damaged nuclear power plant may have exceeded the radiation exposure limit, bringing the total to eight, the government said this week. The health and labor ministry released the preliminary results of tests on how much …

Japan Approves Tepco Nuclear Claims Plan; Banks’ Help Eyed

Japan’s government agreed on Friday to set up a fund with taxpayer money to help Tokyo Electric Power compensate victims of the crisis at its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant and avoid financial collapse. The government will issue special-purpose bonds to help …

Japan Nuclear Crisis to Trigger Huge Civil Damage Claims

Japan’s nuclear crisis is likely to lead to one of the country’s largest and most complex ever set of claims for civil damages, handing a huge bill to the fiscally strained government and debt-laden plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co. …

Report: Engineers Knew Tsunami Could Overwhelm Fukushima Plant