radioactive waste from uranium processing News

How Push for the Atomic Bomb Spawned Enduring Radioactive Waste Problems in St. Louis

ST. LOUIS (AP) __ The federal government and companies responsible for nuclear bomb production and atomic waste storage sites in the St. Louis area in the mid- 20th century were aware of health risks, spills, improperly stored contaminants and other …

Regulators Say South Carolina Nuclear Fuel Plant Put Workers at ‘Substantial’ Risk

Federal regulators say they’ve found there was a “substantial potential” for an accident that could have injured workers at the Westinghouse nuclear fuel plant near Columbia. Media outlets report the preliminary results of an investigation into a uranium built up …

Missouri Landfill Burning Near Nuclear Waste Dump

Beneath the surface of a St. Louis, Mo.-area landfill lurk two things that should never meet: a slow-burning fire and a cache of Cold War-era nuclear waste, separated by no more than 1,200 feet. Government officials have quietly adopted an …