ransomware attack News

Demand for Cyber Insurance in China Expected to Rise After WannaCry Attack: AIG

Demand for cyber insurance from firms in Greater China and elsewhere in Asia is poised to soar, based on inquiries received after the “WannaCry ransomware” attack earlier this year, executives at American International Group Inc. said. The American insurer saw …

Cyber Attack on Ukrainian Medical Facilities Sets ‘Dangerous’ Precedent: Experts

Dr. Lidiia Podkopaieva was about to click “send” on an order of new surgical instruments when her computer monitor suddenly went dark. She speed-dialed the clinic’s technician but didn’t even have time to tell him what was wrong. “We’re under …

Global Shipping Still Reeling from Cyber Attack; Insurers Warn of Coverage Gaps

Global shipping is still feeling the effects of a cyber attack that hit A.P. Moller-Maersk two days ago, showing the scale of the damage a computer virus can unleash on the technology dependent and inter-connected industry. About 90 percent of …

Global Cyber Attack Affects Shipping, FedEx, Emails and More

The global cyberattack that has been wending its way across continents since Tuesday started creating real consequences at some businesses even as the virus’s spread seemed to be abating. FedEx Corp. said it could suffer a “material” financial impact after …

Businesses Underestimate Long-Term Effects of Cyber Attacks: Lloyd’s Report

Businesses could face a much higher bill than they expect or are prepared for after falling victim to a cyber-attack, according to research from Lloyd’s in association with KPMG and legal firm DAC Beachcroft. As businesses increasingly become the target …

Major Ransomware Attack Spreads from Europe to U.S.

A new cyber attack similar to WannaCry is spreading from Europe to the U.S., hitting port operators in New York and Rotterdam, disrupting government systems in Kiev, and disabling operations at companies including Rosneft PJSC and advertiser WPP Plc. More …

Cyber Insurance Market Growing More Slowly Than Expected: Allianz

The tiny market for cyber insurance has been slower to develop than generally anticipated, a member of Allianz’s board said in an interview. The European market for cyber insurance currently has a premium volume of around 200 million euros ($224 …

Cyber Security Expert Leonardo to Offer Anti-Ransomware Weapon

When a wave of ransom-requesting cyber attacks hit computers across the globe earlier this month, Leonardo SpA cyber-security experts had already warned clients that a larger-than-usual strike was about to hit. Now, the company is set to roll out a …

Firms Turn to Kidnap Insurance Policies to Cover Ransomware Losses

Companies without cyber insurance are dusting off policies covering kidnap, ransom and extortion in the world’s political hotspots to recoup losses caused by ransomware viruses such as “WannaCry,” insurers say. Cyber insurance can be expensive to buy and is not …

European Cyber Police Hunt for Culprits of Global Ransomware Attack

Days after the global cyber attack, U.K. police are trying to figure out whether it was an established network of criminals, state-backed hackers or bored teenagers that crippled the country’s health service. The malware campaign affected more than 200,000 computers …