Rates News

Allstate Wants a Rate Increase in Louisiana

Allstate Corp. is asking to raise rates for 144,000 Louisiana homeowners who get their insurance coverage from two Allstate companies. According to the state insurance department, Northbrook, Ill.-based Allstate wants an average 11.3 percent increase for 71,000 homeowners covered by …

Ohio Property Insurance Rates Expected to Rise After Storms

Ohio’s relatively low rates for property insurance are expected to rise in 2012 due to the damaging storms of recent years. An insurance agent in Middletown in southwest Ohio says Mother Nature has had her way with the state. Gary …

Report: Louisiana Homeowners Insurance Rates Rising More Slowly

Homeowners insurance premiums in Louisiana remain among the nation’s highest, but are rising much more slowly than they did in the first two years after Hurricane Katrina, new data from by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners show. Louisiana remains …

Willis Report Highlights P&I Market’s Record Financial Results in 2011

The Protection & Indemnity (P&I) market “delivered a blockbuster financial performance last year,” according to a report from Willis. However, the report also found that P&I Clubs are “faced with fragile investment income and increased claims in 2011,” which has …

Elderly Michigan Woman Protests High Home Insurance Bill

An 83-year-old woman in Michigan says she won’t suffer silently after an insurance company raised her bill from $585 to $4,092. Alice LaDuke lately has been standing outside the home office of Auto-Owners Insurance in Delta Township, near Lansing, wearing …

Allstate Rates for Texas Homeowners Could Go Up

Allstate Insurance has asked Texas regulators to allow the company to raise homeowner rates by nearly 10 percent for some customers. Allstate spokesman Joe McCormick told the Dallas Morning News that the industry is concerned about the potential for more …

Appeals Court in Texas Accepts State Farm Refunds Case

State Farm Insurance has asked an appeals court to throw out an order requiring the company to refund about $350 million to Texas customers. A three-judge panel of the 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin took the case under advisement …

Crop Insurance Rates Skyrocket After Summer Floods

Midwestern farmers who saw their land swamped by summer flooding may be socked again with steep increases in their crop insurance premiums, the expensive result of the failure to fix broken levees before the winter snow and next spring’s rains. …

Flood Insurance Rate Falls for Some in Louisiana

Some residents and business owners in the city of Lafayette, La., and unincorporated parts of the parish will soon be paying 10 percent less for flood insurance. The Federal Emergency Management Agency said the savings comes about because Lafayette Consolidated …

State Farm Hikes Homeowner Policy Rates, Deductibles in Texas

A new insurance commissioner has allowed State Farm to charge higher rates and deductibles in Texas. State Farm Insurance on Dec. 1 was authorized to switch many of its 1.2 million homeowner policies to a higher deductible. The Dallas Morning …