Rates News

Lloyd’s Analyzes Baden-Baden Reinsurance Renewal Conclave

An article on the Lloyd’s website takes a look at the “insurance and reinsurance specialists,” who “converge in Baden-Baden to begin their ‘renewal season’ discussions in earnest and in preparation for January 1, when deals between primary insurers and their …

Steamship Mutual Sets 5% Premium Increase for 2012

The Directors of the London-based Steamship Mutual P&I Club “recently reviewed the Club’s open policy years, as well as claims in earlier years, and considered the premium ratings required for the 2012 policy year,” said an announcement from the Club. …

Munich Re: ‘Uncertainty,’ Economic Crisis, Challenge Re/insurers

A bulletin from Munich Re names the “sovereign debt crisis in Europe and the USA, a sustained phase of low interest rates and heavy natural catastrophe burdens,” as well as general uncertainty in the re/insurance markets as posing “significant challenges …

Global Insurance Rates Flat Overall in Q3 Says Marsh

Insurance rates are rising for property in high-risk areas, while rates are falling for many lines of professional insurance, leading to an overall stable market around the world, according to a report from Marsh, the brokerage arm of Marsh & …

Good News – Bad News from the Reinsurance Rendezvous

Generally speaking the reinsurance industry is in good shape, certainly better than it was in 2008 and 2009, when even mighty Swiss Re needed a bailout from Berkshire Hathaway. A combination of improved models and a greater understanding as to …

Texas Medical Liability Trust to Reduce Rates, Pay 18.5% Dividend

Texas Medical Liability Trust announced a rate reduction for TMLT policyholders and an 18.5 percent dividend for renewing policyholders, effective Jan.1, 2012. The average rate decrease will be 6.9 percent, but will vary by specialty and the geographic location of …

Hawaii Regulator Orders Homeowners Insurers to File New Rates

Hawaii Insurance Commissioner Gordon I. Ito has ordered all homeowner insurers to submit new rate filings after a Insurance Division review found that rates were “excessive” when compared to National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) data. Ito recently issued a …

Willis Re Sees Reinsurers Reacting as $48 Billion Losses Take Their Toll

The Willis Re’s 1st View Renewals Report for June/July 2011, entitled – “Mixed Messages“- estimates that “a string of natural catastrophes in the first quarter of 2011 has cost reinsurers in the region of 10 percent of their total shareholders’ …

Most Commercial Insurance Buyers Expect Flat Rates: Barclays

Commercial property/casualty insurance prices are stabilizing, with 70 percent of buyers expecting at least flat rates after years of declines, Barclays Capital said Tuesday. The firm’s survey of 50 large buyers showed insurers are more disciplined, with multiyear deals absent …

Medicus Insurance Lowers Rates in 6 States

Austin, Texas-based medical professional liability insurance carriers Medicus Insurance Co., has lowered its base rates for physicians and medical professionals in Arizona, Kansas, Nevada, Ohio, Texas and Virginia. Medicus sells insurance in 24 states from coast to coast. Medicus lowered …