Rating the States Report News

Louisiana ‘Good,’ but Texas Lags in IBHS Building Code Rankings

Texas has a long way to go but despite getting hit by four hurricanes and one tropical storm in 2020, Louisiana still ranks as one of the top 10 states for resilience based on its statewide building codes. The “Rating …

Why Storm-Prone States Continue to Balk at Tough Building Codes

The showdown in the Florida statehouse last year had all the drama of a knock-down political brawl: Powerful industries clashing. Warnings of death and destruction. And a surprise last-minute vote, delivering a sweeping reform bill to the governor’s desk. The …

IBHS Updates Report on Hurricane-Prone States’ Building Codes

Among coastal hurricane-prone states, North Carolina and Louisiana have weakened their building codes since 2012, while five states have strengthened theirs. Just in time for the height of the hurricane season, the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) …