recession News

OECD Says Euro Zone Public Debt Crisis Far from Over

The euro zone’s public debt crisis is not over despite calmer financial markets this year, the OECD said on Tuesday, with a warning that the bloc’s banks remain weak, debt levels are still rising and fiscal targets are far from …

Greece Averts Immediate Default with Bond Swap Deal Success

Greece averted the immediate risk of an uncontrolled default, winning strong acceptance from its private creditors for a bond swap deal which will ease its massive public debt and clear the way for a new international bailout. The finance ministry …

Europe’s Austerity Zeal Risks Killing the Patient

Europe’s “no pain no gain” attitude to solving its sovereign crisis risks exacerbating the bloc’s problems, choking off the very growth needed to raise the money to pay down the debt. From Athens to Dublin, and almost everywhere in between, …

New York Lost 250,000 Middle- and High-Wage Jobs Since 2008: Report

New York State has been shedding hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs since the financial crisis hit and its poverty rate remains high. Since 2008, the state lost over 250,000 middle- and high-wage jobs in sectors including finance, government and …

How Rising Energy Prices Affect P/C Insurance

The leveling off of the world’s oil supply and the resulting rising gasoline prices and their economic impact carry implications for property/casualty insurance rates. Oil spikes have been known to precede recessions, which affect auto, home and workers’ compensation claims …

Mood on Main Street: Agents on Hardest Hit Small Businesses

Agents across the country — except in Texas and neighboring states — agree that construction and related trades have been hardest hit by the recession. Restaurants appear to be the second hardest hit. In terms of lines of insurance, the …

Mood on Main Street: How Recession Changed Insurance Buying Habits

The recession has taken its toll on contractors, restaurants, retailers, small manufacturers and other Main Street business around the country and most of the survivors are not going to soon forget the pain of the past few years. As building …