referrals News

Rebates, Referrals and Rewards in Texas – What’s OK and What’s Not?

What are the rules governing insurance agents in Texas on rebates, referrals and rewards, and why do they matter? For starters, at a minimum, an agent could lose their license for violating rules regarding such activities. And, they could potentially …

Recruiting Allstate in Colorado Will Pay for Refers

Under its effort to continue expanding across Colorado, Allstate says it will appoint 24 new agency owners in the state this year and it will offer to pay people for referring qualified candidates. Including support staff the expansion is expected …

South Central Insurance Employment: Oil, Economy Fuel Texas Hiring

Across the nation, employment levels in insurance agencies and brokerages declined at a faster rate than the overall U.S. employment level since the recession began in 2007. The good news: Some independent agencies across Texas say hiring in agencies is …