reforms News

Swiss Re Sigma Study Analyzes Changes to Insurance Accounting Practices

Swiss Re announced that its latest sigma study “takes a fresh look at the progress in the long-running debate to make insurance accounting practices more economically relevant and internationally comparable.” The study – “Insurance accounting reform: a glass half empty …

India’s Battered Insurers May Need More than Foreign Investment

India’s proposal to allow more foreign investment in its $41 billion insurance business provides a lifeline for an industry starved of capital and squeezed by regulation – but it may not pass parliament and it may not be enough. India’s …

Greek Pro-bailout Parties Look to Forge Coalition

Political parties supporting Greece’s international bailout begin forging a government on Monday after an election victory over radical leftists staved off the prospect of the debt-laden country leaving the euro and brought relief to global markets. Conservative New Democracy leader …

Analysis: EU’s Spain Bank Rescue May Bring only Brief Respite

Euro zone finance ministers rushed Spain into an EU-funded rescue for its debt-stricken banks to pre-empt the threat of a bank run if Greece’s debt crisis flares again but any respite for Madrid and the euro may be short-lived. After …

Starr’s Greenberg: China ‘Eager to Begin Talks’ on Free Trade Pact with U.S.

China is eager to begin talks on a free trade pact with the United States and key leaders seem willing to step away from the state capitalism Beijing has been pursuing, a senior U.S executive with access to China’s leadership …

U.S. Chamber, European Business Call for Removing Transatlantic Trade Barriers

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and BUSINESSEUROPE have issued the following statement in a letter signed by twelve U.S. and European business associations to President Obama and EU Presidents Van Rompuy and Barroso, calling for urgent action to create a …

ABI Calls for Lawsuit, Health and Safety Regs Reform to Help UK Business

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has issued a call “for action to free businesses from the fear of the UK’s compensation culture and overzealous interpretations of health and safety rules that could hold back Britain’s economic recovery.” Insurers and …

UK Panel Seeks to Reign in Whiplash Claims; ABI, RSA Comment

A report from the UK Government’s Transport Select Committee targets the voraciously expanding number of claims for “whiplash,” i.e. soft tissue injuries, as badly in need of reforms. These types of injuries now account for around 70 percent of all …

Italian Finance Chiefs to Meet as Crisis Mounts

Italy’s top financial officials will meet later on Wednesday, as the escalating market turmoil threatens to push the euro zone’s third largest economy into a debt crisis that could threaten the whole currency bloc. Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, Bank of …

What New Car Insurance Rules Mean for New Jersey

New Jersey proposed a sweeping overhaul last week to its regulations for the personal injury protection component of auto insurance, hoping to curb rising premiums. The changes affect how and what doctors can bill for treatments and restructure the process …