reforms News

Canada’s Reformed Class Action Law Wins Few Friends

A Canadian law designed to make it easier to bring class action suits against companies that mislead investors has all sides frustrated as it faces its first real-world tests. Changes to the Ontario Securities Act that came into effect in …

Arab Political Shocks Demand Risk Rating Rethink

Attempting to predict the future, rather than imagining possible versions of it, may have blinded risk analysts to the likelihood of this year’s uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa. Concentrating on what precedent taught was probable, and trying …

ABI Endorses UK Government’s Proposed Legal Reforms

The Association of British Insurers has endorsed recently announced government proposals to reform the UK’s civil litigation procedures. The ABI said the reforms would “put the brake on runaway legal costs and mean a better deal for genuine claimants and …

UK Insurers Support Corporate Tax Reduction; Budget for Growth

The UK government’s recently proposed budget contain a number of measures aimed at helping UK firms to increase their business, and to make them more competitive. As the UK’s insurance industry is one of the country’s most successful sectors, it …