reinsurance cessions News

Europe’s Top Cedents Saw Cessions Jump by Double Digits in 2015: A.M. Best

Europe’s top cedents reported a double-digit hike in cessions for 2015 compared to the previous year. The trend stems from their taking advantage of cheap and bountiful reinsurance capacity, A.M. Best said in a new report. The continent’s 20 largest …

Reinsurance Cycle Is Not Dead Yet so Buyers Need to Put It to Good Use: JLT Re

Despite proclamations by some observers that the reinsurance cycle is dead, JLT Re says, reports of its demise are greatly exaggerated โ€“ and now is the time for buyers to use the cycle, and reinsurance, to their advantage. Rates are …

ABIR Head Lauds Brazil Decision to Phase out Local Reinsurance Mandates

In a speech delivered before the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), Bradley Kading, president and executive director of the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR), praised the Brazilian government’s recent announcement to phase out mandates on local reinsurance …