reinsurance pool News

Run-Off Specialist Compre to Buy Allianz IARD’s Pool Legacy Business

Compre, the independent insurance and reinsurance legacy specialist, has agreed to acquire Allianz IARD’s Ridgwell Fox & Partners (RFP) pool legacy reinsurance business for an undisclosed sum. RFP is a reinsurance pool containing run-off liabilities of Allianz IARD and five …

Legacy Specialist Compre Arranges Deals with QBE and German Mutual

Compre, the London-based insurance and reinsurance legacy specialist, announced the signing of an agreement to acquire QBE’s share of the Ridgwell Fox & Partners’ (RFP) pool legacy reinsurance business. The transaction is structured as a loss portfolio transfer, to be …

State-Backed Terrorism Reinsurance Fund Likely to Aid Paris Firms in Recovery

Parisian businesses struggling after the Nov. 13 attacks are likely to be able to make successful insurance claims, helped by a state-backed fund set up in the wake of the Sept. 11 2001 attacks in New York. The carnage in …