reinsurance rendezvous 2016 News

Re/Insurers Need to ‘Reinvent’ Products to Participate in New Economy: XL’s McGavick

The re/insurance industry needs to innovate and become more efficient. It is facing more risk, but premiums are declining. Some of its products have become shop-worn and less relevant. Competitive pressures are immense. These are just some of the negative …

Re/Insurers May Be Entering Reserving ‘Danger Phase’: JLT Re Execs

Re/insurers have released redundant liability reserves into their earnings for the past eight years as a result of favorable loss development. This practice has worked well to compensate for low investment yields and soft market prices. But have carriers gone …

Big Reinsurers Pin Profit Hopes on Tailoring Coverages to Specific Risks

In a world of increasing automation and standardization, Europe’s big reinsurers are betting that a more personal touch can reverse years of falling prices. Companies including Munich Re AG and Swiss Re AG are increasing their focus on policies that …

Is This the Bottom of Reinsurance Cycle? Opinions Vary at Rendez-Vous

It may be wishful thinking – but some major reinsurers are hoping the bottom of the reinsurance cycle is at hand. Both Swiss Re and Hannover Re told journalists at this year’s reinsurance Rendez-Vous de Septembre in Monaco that they …

Casualty Losses and Cyber, Crop, Property Demand Driving Reinsurance Growth: Aon

Reinsurance demand has increased over the past 18 months, with the cession ratio across the global property/casualty insurance industry registering a small rise for the first time in several years, and the trend expected to continue for the remainder of …