Reinsurers News

Credit Guarantee & Investment Facility Signs Inaugural Treaty Led by Munich Re

The Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (CGIF)* announced it has executed its inaugural reinsurance treaty, with a panel of market leading private reinsurers, led by the specialist credit reinsurance team of Munich Re. This treaty, which incepted on Oct. 1, …

Insurtech Startups Attract Growing List of Traditional Insurer Partners

Listening to Andrew Rear talk about insurers, you wouldn’t think he works for one that’s been around for 136 years. The 46-year-old head of Munich Re’s Digital Partners unit has said the industry is “one of the last bastions of …

Lloyd’s Gets Approval to Open Reinsurance Branch in India

Lloyd’s of London has secured approval from the Indian regulator, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), to provide onshore reinsurance services in India. The decision means that the Lloyd’s market is now in a position to set up …

Western Insurers Slowly Re-Enter Deals with Iran – a Market Valued at $9B

Western insurers are slowly reaching deals with Iran as they seek to re-enter a multi-billion dollar market although the pace of business is hampered by banking restrictions 10 months on from the lifting of international sanctions. Shut out of international …

Reinsurers’ Capital Likely to Remain Strong Despite Hurricane Matthew: S&P

While Hurricane Matthew has the potential to erode some of the global reinsurance sector’s excess capital, its overall capital position is not expected to deteriorate below the ‘AAA’ level, according to a report published by S&P Global Ratings. This would …

Europe’s Top Cedents Saw Cessions Jump by Double Digits in 2015: A.M. Best

Europe’s top cedents reported a double-digit hike in cessions for 2015 compared to the previous year. The trend stems from their taking advantage of cheap and bountiful reinsurance capacity, A.M. Best said in a new report. The continent’s 20 largest …

Ratings Agencies Expect Reinsurance Premiums to Continue Dropping in 2017

Reinsurance premiums are likely to continue to fall next year, ratings agencies said on Tuesday, following years of weaker prices due to competition in the sector and a lack of natural catastrophe losses. Reinsurers act as a financial backstop for …

Negative Reinsurance Sector Outlook Not Changing Anytime Soon: A.M. Best

A.M. Best said its outlook for the reinsurance sector remains negative due to a multitude of factors, and it will likely stay that way for quite some time. “Our rating outlook remains longer-term than our typical 12-18 months,” A.M. Best …

Reinsurers’ Profits in Danger of Falling Below Their Cost of Capital: S&P

Reinsurers’ profits will soon drop below their cost of capital* and could remain there until the underwriting and/or investment cycles turn, according to Standard & Poor’s in a new report. S&P attributed this pressure on profitability to a combination of …

Cat Bonds Match Traditional Reinsurers on Reliability Scale: S&P

Some traditional reinsurers have asserted that catastrophe bonds are unreliable in terms of paying claims after major events. A new Standard & Poor’s article rebukes that idea. “We have explored the claims payment history of cat bonds,” S&P said. “The …