Reinsurers News

S&P Assesses Current Conditions for Bermuda Insurers, Reinsurers

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has just published a new study – “Bermuda Insurers And Reinsurers: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly – ” which examines the current status of the island’s insurance industry. S&P notes that after “two …

Reinsurers Expect Financial Storm Will Cause Premium Increases

The world’s reinsurers expect the intensifying financial market storm will allow them to push through higher prices for the risk cover they offer insurance companies. The world’s No. 2 and No. 4 reinsurers, Munich Re and Hannover Re, on Monday …

Reinsurers Tour Fortified Home During Mississippi Wind Pool Meeting

Nearing the end of a years-long highly specialized residential construction project, one Hurricane Katrina survivor has become a regular stop for insurance industry representatives touring along the Mississippi Gulf Coast. In some ways, Scott Sundberg of Pass Christian, Miss., is …

U.S. Reinsurers Report Deteriorating Combined Ratio; Decline in Surplus

U.S. reinsurers reported a deteriorating combined ratio for the first-half 2008, compared to the first-half 2007 while net premiums were up over the same time period. The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) released reinsurance underwriting results for the six months …

Reinsurers Seeking Sidecars to Ride Out Next Big Storm

As Hurricane Ike takes aim at the Gulf of Mexico, triggering memories of 2005’s devastating storms, reinsurers see temporary underwriting vehicles as the solution to their capital needs in the event of “the Big One” — a disaster costing them …

Swiss Re Describes Reinsurers’ ‘Challenging Business Environment’

Swiss Re’s bulletin from Monte Carlo stresses that the “(re)insurance industry is facing a more challenging business environment, characterized by continued soft (re)insurance markets, stock market turbulence and an active hurricane season. Elevated inflation in many countries poses an additional …

S&P Reports Examine Reinsurers’ Risk Management, Pricing Trends

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has published two reports, coinciding with the Reinsurance Rendezvous in Monte Carlo, which examine the reinsurance industry’s progress in implementing risk management techniques, the current pricing levels for reinsurance, and the possible effect on company …

Reinsurers’ Investment Hit Won’t Stop Price Drop

European reinsurers’ losses on investments due to the financial crisis may dampen their appetite for a reinsurance price war, but will not interrupt the trend toward a weakening market. As reinsurers descend on the Mediterranean resort of Monte Carlo this …

Reinsurers Under Pressure in Monte Carlo

Darker economic clouds are gathering over the world’s reinsurers as they travel to the Mediterranean coast this weekend to kick-off crucial pricing discussions with their insurance clients in Monte Carlo. Reinsurers should fly down to the south of France in …

U.S. Reinsurers Report Deteriorating Combined Ratio; Decline in Surplus

U.S. reinsurers reported a deteriorating combined ratio for the first-half 2008, compared to the first-half 2007 while net premiums were up over the same time period. The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) released reinsurance underwriting results for the six months …