Religious Freedom Restoration Act News

Supreme Court Supports Employers’ Religious Rights in Contraception, Teacher Employment

The U.S. Supreme Court struck two blows for religious rights, including a decision that upholds Trump administration rules giving employers a broad right to refuse to offer birth control through their health plans. The justices also gave religious organizations a …

Next LGBT Legal Battle for Supreme Court Will Be Religious Exemptions: Analysis

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling protecting LGBT rights in the workplace sets the stage for another major legal fight over the scope of religious-rights exemptions to certain federal laws that could dilute the landmark decision’s impact. The justices ruled 6-3 …

Catholic Broadcaster Wins Birth Control Benefit Reprieve After Hobby Lobby Ruling

Citing a U.S. Supreme Court opinion issued Monday, a federal appeals court temporarily barred the federal government from forcing an Alabama-based Catholic broadcasting network to comply with a law requiring them to cover contraceptives for women. A federal judge last …

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Religious Exemption to Birth Control Benefit

The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a challenge to part of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law by companies claiming a religious exemption to the requirement that they provide birth control coverage for employees. The justices said today they will …

Supreme Court Could Take Up Religious Rights of Corporations

U.S. Supreme Court justices could decide on Tuesday to review religious objections made by corporations to a provision of the 2010 federal healthcare law requiring employers to provide health insurance that covers birth control. The key question before the court …

Appeals Court Blocks Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate

A requirement of President Barack Obama’s health-care law that group insurance plans cover contraceptives was ordered blocked by a federal appeals court, the first such ban on enforcement of the mandate. The 2-1 decision by a U.S. Court of Appeals …

Federal Court Grants Firm Reprieve from Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

A divided federal appeals court has temporarily barred the U.S. government from requiring an Illinois company to obtain insurance coverage for contraceptives, as mandated under the 2010 healthcare overhaul, after the owners objected on religious grounds. More than 40 lawsuits …