remote work risks News

EPL Exposures Redefined Post Pandemic: PLUS Panel

Post-Covid changes in the workplace have created a slew of new issues and exposures for employers. From the changing attitudes toward job flexibility and accommodations to the need for employee training to prevent pay-related litigation, employers are navigating new needs …

Ohio Bill Defines Work-From-Home Workers’ Comp Rule

An Ohio law set to go into effect next month amends workers’ compensation benefit requirements for employees who sustain an injury while working from home. House Bill 447 states than a work-from-home employee’s injury is compensable under Ohio’s workers’ compensation …

FERMA Launches Risk Management Tool for Remote Working

The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has launched a simplified guide to risk mapping for remote working. The tool consists of a simple questionnaire that organizations of any size can use. Using a template of risks and opportunities …

Climate Risk Is Top London Market Challenge, IUA Survey Shows

The top challenge currently facing London market insurance companies is climate risk, a new survey by the International Underwriting Association (IUA) has revealed. In a survey of its members, the organization recorded 27% of respondents mentioning climate change and wider …

Working From Home Could Hurt Women’s Careers: Bank of England’s Mann

Women who work mostly from home risk seeing their careers suffer now that significant numbers of workers are returning to the office after the COVID-19 pandemic, Bank of England policymaker Catherine Mann said on [Nov. 11]. Mann, a member of …

London Is Struggling to Lure Back Workers, Says CEO of Legal & General

The head of one of the UK’s largest insurers and investors warned that the City of London is struggling far more than the country’s other office districts in luring workers back to their desks. Since lockdown restrictions were eased, other …

London Staff Want Big Pay Raises Before Returning to Their Desks Full-Time: Survey

London office workers want an average pay rise equivalent to the cost of some annual railway season tickets to return to their desks full-time after the pandemic, according to a survey. With COVID-19 restrictions leaving many offices empty, white-collar staff …

Remote Working Causes Cyber Attacks to Skyrocket, Says Financial Stability Board

Financial firms may need to bolster their defenses in the face of rocketing cyber attacks after employees began working from home, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) said on Tuesday. The FSB, which coordinates financial rules for the G20 group of …

Following Pandemic, Cyber Vaccines Needed to Protect Digital Economy: Viewpoint

A surge in cyber attacks and ransomware hacks since the start of pandemic lockdowns is alarming for a world of finance moving headlong into digital money and remote working longer term. The flipside of the digital revolution has always been …

What The Telecommuting Trend Could Mean for Florida Workers’ Comp Claims

As companies continue to adapt to COVID-19, it is evident that one of the long-lasting effects of the novel coronavirus will be the increased number of permanent work from home accommodations. According to a recent Gallup poll, 33% of U.S. …