remuneration News

Allianz Wins Shareholder Approval for New Executive Pay Policy

Allianz SE won shareholder approval for its new policy on management-board pay, avoiding the sort of investor backlash seen at some European firms in recent years. The German insurer proposed increasing the importance of fixed salary and long-term incentives in …

Shareholders Begin to Derail UK CEOs’ Gravy Train: Opinion

Boardroom pay is a contentious issue in the U.K., which is hardly surprising when top CEOs earn 145 times more on average than their workers. Shareholders have been slow to call time on the gravy train, probably because the stock-market …

CEO of UK-Based Aviva Paid $8M in 2015, More Than Double His 2014 Paycheck

British insurer Aviva chief executive Mark Wilson’s take-home pay more than doubled to 5.67 million pounds ($8.1 million) last year, after the purchase of rival Friends Life, Aviva’s annual report showed on Tuesday. Aviva completed the 5.6 billion pound acquisition …

Zurich Insurance’s Ex-CEO Senn Received Remuneration of $6.3M in 2015

Zurich Insurance paid Martin Senn, its former CEO, 6.1 million Swiss francs ($6.3 million) during 2015, down from 7.2 million Swiss francs ($7.9 million) in 2014, the company reported. (The Swiss franc to U.S. dollar conversions were calculated by Zurich). …

Aviva CEO & CFO Reduce Long-Term Bonuses After Voting Agency Concern

Aviva plc’s Chief Executive Officer Mark Wilson and the chief financial officer lowered their long-term bonuses after Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. was said to have raised concerns over 2015 compensation. Wilson’s long-term incentive plan (LTIP ) reverted back to 2014 …