Rendez-Vous de Septembre News

Reinsurance Rendez-Vous de Septembre Canceled Again – on Pandemic Concerns

The organizers of the reinsurance Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) have decided to cancel this year’s conference as a result of the ongoing public health crisis caused by the pandemic. “The pandemic is ongoing, but there is hope that the health …

Reinsurance Rendez-Vous de Septembre Canceled due to Coronavirus Crisis

The 64th Rendez-Vous de Septembre (RVS) in Monaco, which was scheduled to be held Sept. 12-17, has been cancelled due to the uncertainties linked to the coronavirus pandemic. For 63 years, the RVS has brought together leading players in the …

Reinsurers Maintain Upward Pricing Momentum-But Will It Last?

Positive pricing momentum—it’s the favorite phrase of many reinsurance executives, who are hoping that the momentum they’ve seen in 2019 will continue during the coming January renewals and beyond. The question is whether they will be disappointed, once again. Over …

Reinsurers Look at Cyber’s Massive Growth Possibilities-With Caution

Reinsurers are aware they must constantly invent new solutions in order to stay relevant for their clients. Yet, they admit they are sometimes challenged to close the protection gap for new and emerging risks such as cyber. Cyber is actually …

Cyber Reinsurers Aim to Master the Dangers of Global Accumulation

Cyber insurance is a market with enormous growth potential – but one that also has the potential to become a costly, worldwide event in a matter of seconds. Unlike natural catastrophes, cyber isn’t limited to geographic regions. It’s a risk …

Is the Reinsurance Cycle Dead or Just Dormant? Executives Discuss New Realities

Many reinsurance executives have been left scratching their heads in surprise after last year’s natural catastrophes, which cost a whopping $100 billion but ended up having very little impact on rates. The insurance and reinsurance market isn’t behaving as it …

Amtrak Sponsors $275M Cat Bond for Northeast Storm Surge, Wind, Quake

Amtrak is getting $275 million of reinsurance protection from the capital markets for its wholly owned captive, covering storm surge, wind and earthquake perils, according to GC Securities. GC Securities, the capital markets arm of reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter, announced …