Rep. Carolyn Maloney News

New Law Forces Shell Companies to Disclose Owners, Expands Whistleblower Awards

For years as a federal prosecutor in New York, Daniel R. Alonso led teams that had to search through a maze of anonymously owned corporate entities to expose criminal activity. “It required all kinds of shoe-leather investigating to identify who …

Lawmaker Details Federal Reinsurance for Pandemic Business Interruption, Event Losses

New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has introduced the Pandemic Risk Insurance Act of 2020, a federal backstop for pandemic-related business interruption insurance modeled after the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act. “This is the only bill I have written that people are …

Citing 9/11 Victims Fund, Lawmakers Eye U.S. Compensation Pool For COVID-19 Workers

A bipartisan group of federal lawmakers last week unveiled a plan to compensate essential workers who fall sick or die from COVID-19. The lawmakers are modeling their Pandemic Heroes Compensation Act after the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Reps. Carolyn …

N.Y. Congresswoman Receives Death Threats Over Gun Liability Insurance Bill

A New York congresswoman who recently proposed federal legislation that would require gun owners to buy liability insurance said she has been receiving death threats over her proposal. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., issued a statement Wednesday saying that “Yesterday, several …