Republican health care bill News

Despite Indefensible Process, Senate Should Pass Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill: Viewpoint

Before Obamacare, state governments were the chief regulators of health insurance. Obamacare put the federal government in that role. The latest Republican health-care bill, sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham, Bill Cassidy and others, would partially reverse that shift in authority. …

Senate Republicans Fail in Bid to Repeal Obamacare

A months-long effort by Senate Republicans to pass health legislation collapsed early Friday after GOP Senator John McCain joined two of his colleagues to block a stripped-down Obamacare repeal bill. “I regret that our efforts were simply not enough, this …

Senate Republicans Eye ‘Skinny’ Repeal of Obamacare

U.S. Senate Republicans begin their final push on Thursday to unravel Obamacare, seeking to wrap up their seven-year offensive against former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law that extended insurance coverage to millions. Republicans leaders hope a pared-down “skinny” …

GOP Senate Health Bill Would Substantially Raise Deductibles, Number of Uninsureds: CBO

The Senate Republican health bill promises lower premiums for consumers. To get there, it would require patients in standard plans to spend as much as about $13,000 upfront on their own care. The deductibles would be so high, in fact, …

Senate GOP Fails with Obamacare Repeal Effort

Republican efforts to overhaul or repeal Obamacare collapsed in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, dealing a sharp setback to President Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s seven-year quest to kill former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. The disarray in …

Update: GOP Senate Leaders Unveil Revised Health Insurance Bill

Senate Republican leaders released a revised health care plan Thursday that would provide an added $70 billion to stabilize insurance exchanges over a decade in an effort to win over GOP holdouts. The change comes on top of $112 billion …

Senators Discussing Bipartisan Health Insurance Bill

More than half a dozen Republican and Democratic senators have discussed alternatives to the embattled GOP health-care bill, even as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he plans a vote next week to muscle the Obamacare repeal measure through the Senate. …

Returning from Recess, Senate Republicans Worried Obamacare Repeal Will Fail

Republicans expressed increasing pessimism on Sunday about the prospects for the healthcare bill in the U.S. Senate aimed at rolling back Obamacare as lawmakers prepared to return from a week-long recess. One prominent Republican lawmaker, Senator John McCain, said he …

Republicans Schedule Health Insurance Vote for Today

House Republicans plan to vote Thursday on their long-stalled Obamacare repeal measure, setting up a high-stakes test given the continuing doubts about whether they have enough votes to guarantee passage. “We’re going to pass it,” House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy …

Trump Ends Negotiations, Demands Vote on Republican Healthcare Bill

The Trump administration doubled down on its demand that House Republican leaders hold a vote Friday on their embattled healthcare bill without any changes and with lingering uncertainty about whether they have enough support to pass the measure. “After seven …