required mask used News

In Reversal, Georgia Universities to Mandate Masks

Georgia’s 26 public universities and colleges will mandate campus-wide mask wearing after the state university system reversed itself on Monday. The University System of Georgia had previously told schools they should “strongly encourage” students and others to wear masks, but …

Mayor in Savannah, Georgia Implements Strict Mask Policy for Businesses, Public Places

The mayor of Savannah said Tuesday he’s ordering people to wear masks inside retail shops, grocery stores and other public places – and those who refuse could face $500 fines. “Frankly and honestly, I do not believe that we have …

Texas’ Bexar County Orders Face Mask Use to Fight COVID-19; Fines Possible

Officials in the San Antonio area have ordered people to wear face masks in public when social distancing isn’t possible and warned that businesses could face fines of up to $1,000 for failing to comply with county health policies in …