restatement of liability insurance News

What Liability Insurance Restatement Final Approval Delay Means

It had been expected by many that, after seven years of arduous work, the American Law Institute’s “Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance” would be approved last Tuesday at the Institute’s annual meeting at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington. But, …

Insurance Groups Welcome Delay in Liability Insurance Law Restatement

Insurance groups breathed a sigh of relief this week after legal scholars delayed a vote on a controversial restatement of liability insurance law. As reported by Insurance Journal, the American Legal Institute (ALI) on Tuesday formally decided to postpone a …

Update: Insurers Sound Alarm Over Liability Law Restatement; Vote Delayed

Liability insurers, their lawyers and their regulators are holding their collective breath that a scheduled vote this week on a proposed restatement of law regarding liability insurance will not happen. If approved, the controversial restatement would give policyholders more clout …