revil cyber crime gang News

Kaseya Ransomware Attack Triggers Race to Hack Other Managed Services Providers

A ransomware attack in July that paralyzed as many as 1,500 organizations by compromising tech-management software from a company called Kaseya has set off a race among criminals looking for similar vulnerabilities, cyber security experts said. An affiliate of a …

Ransomware Gang REvil’s Websites Vanish; Reason Unknown

Websites run by the ransomware gang REvil suddenly became unreachable on Tuesday, sparking widespread speculation that the group had been knocked offline. The Russia-linked cybercrime ring has collected tens of millions of dollars in ransom payments in return for restoring …

Biden Under Pressure to Counter Growing Ransomware Threat

President Joe Biden on Wednesday discussed the possibility of responding to a spate of ransomware attacks against U.S. entities that are believed to be perpetrated by Russian-linked hackers, a growing concern for his administration. Biden gathered members of his national …

Kaysea Ransomware Attack Caused ‘Minimal Damage’ to U.S. Firms, Biden Says

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday the ransomware attack centered on the Florida information technology firm Kaseya seems to have inflicted only “minimal damage” on American businesses. “It appears to have caused minimal damage to U.S. businesses, but we’re still …

Kaseya Ransomware Attack by REvil Gang Is Global in Scale

Cyber-security teams worked feverishly Sunday to stem the impact of the single biggest global ransomware attack on record, with some details emerging about how the Russia-linked gang responsible breached the company whose software was the conduit. An affiliate of the …

Update: Ransomware Attack on Kaseya Affects Up to 1,500 Firms; Hackers Ask $70M

Between 800 and 1,500 businesses around the world have been affected by a ransomware attack centered on U.S. information technology firm Kaseya, its chief executive said on Monday. Fred Voccola, the Florida-based company’s CEO, said in an interview that it …