Richard Cordray News

Financial Firms Tie Support for Consumer Chief Cordray to Bureau Reforms

The Financial Services Roundtable says it will support the confirmation of Richard Cordray to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), provided Congress makes changes to CFPB’s structure. “Our members strongly believe the CFPB should operate under a more democratic …

Senate Committee Approves SEC, Consumer Financial Bureau Chiefs

A U.S. Senate panel voted to move forward two of President Barack Obama’s choices to lead financial regulatory agencies, but his pick of Richard Cordray to head the new consumer bureau likely still faces a tough path to final confirmation. …

Republicans to Block Obama Consumer Financial Bureau Chief

U.S. Senate Republicans on Friday pledged to block President Barack Obama’s choice to lead the consumer finance watchdog until Democrats agree to restructure it, ramping up an expected fight this year over the controversial new bureau. The group of 43 …

President Obama to Nominate White to Head SEC, Renominate Cordray for Consumer Bureau

President Barack Obama will nominate former federal prosecutor Mary Jo White to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, the White House said on Thursday, showing a desire to have a tough cop policing Wall Street. White, the former U.S. attorney …

Obama to Name Cordray Consumer Bureau Head in Recess Appointment

President Barack Obama plans to use a recess appointment to install Richard Cordray as head of the country’s new consumer financial protection watchdog, sidestepping Republican congressional opposition to his pick. “Today in Ohio, President Obama will announce the recess appointment …

Washington Gridlock Continues Over Consumer Financial Protection Agency

The answer to the Final Jeopardy! question of who will be the first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will not become known today. In fact, it may be a while before there is an answer. Senate Republicans say …