right to repair News

Automakers Delay Complying with Massachusetts Data Repair Law

An auto industry group said on Friday carmakers do not plan to immediately comply with a Massachusetts law requiring them to share vehicle data with independent repair shops citing concerns about potential hacking. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) …

NHTSA Shifts Gears, No Longer Opposes Massachusetts’ Vehicle Data Access Law

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has dropped its opposition to a motor vehicle right-to-repair law in Massachusetts that unlocks vehicle data after the state explained how manufacturers may comply in a way that lessens the cybersecurity risk. NHTSA …

Federal Regulator Throws Wrench Into Massachusetts Right-to-Repair Plans

A right-to-repair motor vehicle law in Massachusetts that was passed by voters two years ago but been held up in court has hit what could be a major roadblock. A federal regulator says car manufacturers cannot obey the law, which …

Right-to-Repair Referendum Qualifies for Ballot in Maine

A referendum campaign aimed at ensuring independent shops have the information needed to repair newer cars has qualified for the November ballot. The secretary of state announced Tuesday that 74,686 signatures were validated for “Automotive Right to Repair” proposal. That’s …

Manufacturers Balk at ‘Right to Repair’ Initiative by Biden Administration

Americans would be freer to repair their broken cellphones, computers, videogame consoles and even tractors themselves, or to use independent repair shops, under changes being eyed by federal regulators. The regulators maintain that restrictions have steered consumers into manufacturers’ and …

California Court Expands Policyholders’ Right to Sue Insurers

An uptick in consumer protection lawsuits against California insurance companies is widely expected in the wake of a state appellate decision allowing a policyholder to sue The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies over alleged unfair claims practices, legal observers said …