RIMS 2016 News

RIMS 2016: Keep Eye on Captives as Cyber Risk Solution

Are cyber captives on the horizon? More and more organizations are considering using captives to address their cyber risks but just as the risk is evolving so is the role of captives in this area, according to an Aon expert. …

RIMS 2016: Captives See Business Interruption as Top Cyber Threat

The costs of business interruption due to a breach is the top cyber risk concern for businesses across all industries, according to a new survey of captives. Aon Global Risk Consulting, in its 2016 Captive Cyber Survey report, found that …

RIMS 2016: Forecasting Emerging Risks Won’t Get Any Easier

Many risk professionals believe that forecasting risk will not get any easier in the next three years and emerging risks will most likely arise in the areas of cyber attacks, regulation and human resources. According to a new report published …

RIMS 2016: Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner

Think sea level rise will be moderate and something we can all plan for? Think again. Sea levels could rise by much more than originally anticipated, and much faster, according to new data being collected by scientists studying the melting …

RIMS 2016: Wearable Tech, Automated Vehicles Dominate Insurance Horizon

Imagine sitting at your desk writing a quote for an insurance policy and suddenly the lapel of your coat begins angrily buzzing, snapping you out of a daze and causing you to quickly straighten up and become alert. The midday …