RIMS Benchmark News

Total Cost of Risk Up As Market Firms: RIMS

Businesses paid about five percent more in 2012 than they did in 2011 to cover the total cost of risk. That compares to a rise of only 1.7 percent in 2011, according to the 2013 Risk & Insurance Management Society …

Do Flat Premums in Q2 Signal Soft Market Is Near Bottom?

Renewal premiums in the second quarter were essentially flat, suggesting that the soft commercial lines insurance market may be close to its bottom, risk managers report. Premiums for three of four lines tracked by the RIMS Benchmark Survey —general liability, …

Overcapacity in P/C Insurance Keeping Commercial Prices Down

Most commercial lines insurance prices continued their downward trend in the first quarter, as underwriters’ efforts to hold the line on premiums buckled under the pressure of a highly overcapitalized market. Three of the four lines of business tracked by …