riot insurance News

South Africa’s State Insurer to Raise Premiums to Cover Riot-Related Reinsurance Costs

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa’s only insurer covering political violence will increase its premiums to cover a rise in reinsurance costs following some of the worst unrest in decades, the head of the state-owned company told Reuters. More than 300 people …

S. African Riot Insurer to Shoulder Bulk of Claims After Days of Violent Civil Unrest

As calm begins to return to South Africa following days of violent riots that caused billions of rand in damage, questions are being asked about who will foot the bill. While some claims will be assessed by heavyweight insurers such …

Nordstrom Suit Tests Whether Civil Unrest Is Single Insurance Occurrence or Multiple

Nordstrom Inc. has filed suit seeking a court declaration that its insurers must treat nationwide civil unrest last spring and summer as a single occurrence rather that separate events that would require the department store chain to pay separate $1 …

Minnesota Business Owners Ruined by Protests Plead for Rebuilding Help

Owners of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., businesses that were raided and burned during the violent protests over the death of George Floyd are appealing to state lawmakers for help with rebuilding. Several store owners in Minneapolis and St. Paul …

How Lloyd’s Underwriters Are Viewing Today’s U.S. Property Insurance Environment

While the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed business activity around the globe, for underwriters in the Lloyd’s market who were in the process of increasing property insurance rates when the pandemic hit, the timing may be auspicious. Had the outbreak struck …

Losses From Civil Protests May Cause Insurers to Rethink Property Coverage

The civil disturbance that started in Minneapolis after the killing by police of George Floyd spread to 20 other states, leading to an unprecedented property insurance catastrophe. The experience will likely impact policy renewals and could even persuade some insurers …

Businesses Hurt First by Coronavirus Then by Looting Have New Insurance Questions

Al’s, a sporting-goods store tucked in Wilmington, Delaware’s small shopping district, opened during the Great Depression, weathered World War II and has been able to keep workers on the job during the coronavirus pandemic. But this past weekend delivered a …