rising sea levels News

High-Tide Floods to Triple for Some East Coast Cities, Study Finds

Flooding during high tides, which used to be rare, is now common in some places and could worsen to the point that sections of coastal cities may flood so often they would become unusable in the near future, according to …

New Study Says Ditch U.N. Temperature Target for Global Warming

A temperature goal set by almost 200 governments as the limit for global warming is a poor guide to the planet’s health and should be ditched, a study published in the journal Nature said on Wednesday. The world’s environment ministers …

New York Requires State Agencies to Consider Extreme Weather

New York state agencies are required to consider the future likelihood of extreme weather in their decisions on public works projects, industrial and commercial permits and regulations, according to a new law signed Monday. For New York, those calculations include …

Miami Hopes Storm Pumps, Seawall Will Protect Against Rising Seas

Climate change is not only already visible in iconic South Beach, but so is climate change adaptation, in the form of new storm water pumps meant to keep rising sea levels from swamping low-lying streets, city officials said Wednesday. Extreme …

Rural Communities Struggle to Compete With Cities for Coastal Protection Funds

The town of Saxis on Chesapeake Bay in Virginia is losing three to five feet (1 to 1.5 meters) of shoreline a year and suffered damage during hurricane Sandy. But like hundreds of rural communities along the coast, it is …

UN Report: Global Warming Damages Coral Reefs Vital to Islands

Global warming is causing trillions of dollars of damage to coral reefs, aggravating risks to tropical small island states threatened by rising sea levels, a U.N. report said on Thursday. The rise in sea levels off some islands in the …

EU Notes Its Success in Climate Change Goals as UN Talks Start

The European Union touted its success in cutting greenhouse gases at U.N. talks on climate change on Wednesday, where a U.S. plan to cut power plant emissions has lifted hopes for a global deal in 2015. An adviser to the …

In Connecticut, Sea Level Predictions Prompt New Awareness in Communities

In Connecticut, the global issue of climate change is being confronted locally. The Day of New London reports that in Old Saybrook, a municipal panel met for the first time last week to consider how to help the low-lying coastal …

Melting Antarctic Glacier to Raise Sea Levels: NASA

A rapidly melting glacial region of Antarctica has passed “the point of no return,” threatening to increase sea levels, according to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” Eric …

UN Says China, U.S. Climate Cooperation Raises Hopes for Global Deal

Closer cooperation between China and the United States, the top two greenhouse gas emitters, on combating global warming is boosting prospects for a U.N. deal meant to be agreed next year, the U.N.’s climate chief said on Wednesday. Christiana Figueres …