risk mitigation News

Willis’ Casualty Head Comments on Inflow of New Capital for Casualty Re Market

Capital is pouring into the casualty reinsurance market from both traditional property catastrophe reinsurers looking to offset rate reductions in their own sphere, and now also from the capital markets, according to Andrew Newman, Global Head of Casualty at Willis …

Long Island, N.Y., Residents Asked to Take Disaster Survey

A Long Island, N.Y., politician is asking residents to take an online survey to help officials update their plans for dealing with storms and other natural disasters. Huntington Town Supervisor Frank Petrone sent a request out Monday. Huntington is working …

Commentary: Have We Learned the Right Lessons From Sandy?

One year ago, Hurricane Sandy slammed into the New York and New Jersey coasts. As a result, 43 people died, lower Manhattan was dark for days, and seven hospitals had to be evacuated.In New York and New Jersey, 650,000 houses …

Dryad Maritime Gives Insights on Gulf of Guinea Maritime Crime

The UK-based maritime intelligence provider, Dryad Maritime, has issued a report – Special Advisory, The West Africa Problem; Mission Not Impossible -, which focuses on the rapidly evolving nature of maritime crime in the Gulf of Guinea. “The report provides …