Russia grain News

Ukraine Black Sea Attacks Signal Expanding War; Russia Insurance Costs Likely to Rise

The footprint of President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine is growing fast after a weekend in which sea drones crippled a Russian naval vessel and an oil tanker. For the first time, the attacks put at risk Russia’s commodity exports …

Black Sea Shipping Traffic Drops 35% After Russia, Ukraine Warnings

The number of ships looking to pick up grain cargoes from the Black Sea area has fallen 35% this week versus the previous week with growing uncertainty over whether commercial traffic could be hit as Russia continues to pound food …

Ideas Are ‘Being Floated’ on How to Get Ukraine, Russia Grain to World: UN

There are a “number of ideas being floated” to help get Ukrainian and Russian grain and fertilizer to global markets after Moscow quit a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine grain, the United Nations said on Tuesday. …

Russia Is Likely to Quit Black Sea Grain Deal in July: Ukraine Envoy

Russia is 99.9% certain to quit a U.N.-brokered deal on the safe wartime passage of Black Sea grain next month because it no longer needs Ukrainian ports to export ammonia, a senior Ukrainian diplomat said. The United Nations and Turkey …

What Is Russia’s Problem With the Black Sea Grain Deal?

President Vladimir Putin said this month that Russia was considering withdrawing from the Black Sea grain deal as he accused the West of cheating Moscow because it still faced obstacles getting its own agricultural goods to world markets. Putin said …

Russia Remains Dissatisfied With Black Sea Grain Deal After UN Talks

Russia is still not satisfied with how a Black Sea grain deal is being implemented, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin said on Saturday after meeting senior U.N. trade officials a day earlier, the TASS news agency reported. Russia has threatened …

Last Ship Leaves Ukraine Port With Fate of Black Sea Grain Deal in Russia’s Hands

The last ship left a port in Ukraine on Wednesday under a deal allowing the safe Black Sea export of Ukraine grain a day before Russia could quit the pact over obstacles to its grain and fertilizer exports. The DSM …

Russia’s Lavrov Blames West for Deadlock Over Future of Black Sea Grain Deal

Moscow has seen “practically no results” from a pact with the United Nations that aimed to help Russia’s grain and fertilizer exports and blamed Western countries for creating a deadlock, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday. Russia has signaled …

Russia’s Medvedev Says G-7 Export Ban Could Trigger Black Sea Grain Deal Exit

Moscow may retaliate if Group of Seven countries proceed with a total ban on most exports to Russia by withdrawing from the safe-transit deal that allows Ukraine to ship grains from Black Sea ports, said Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chair of …

Kremlin Warns Outlook for Extending Black Sea Grain Deal Is ‘Not so Great’

The Kremlin warned on Wednesday that the outlook for extending a deal beyond May 18 that allows the safe wartime export of grain and fertilizer from several Ukrainian Black Sea ports was not great as Russia’s own such exports still …