Russia pollution News

Russian Mining Giant Nornickel Fined $2 Billion for Huge Arctic Fuel Spill

MOSCOW – Russian mining giant Norilsk Nickel was fined $2 billion on Friday for the damage caused by a huge fuel spill last year in the country’s worst environmental disaster in the Arctic. The leakage in May of 21,000 tonnes …

Russia Requires Firms to Develop Financial/Insurance Contingency Plans for Oil Spills

President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed legislation requiring companies involved in oil production or handling other hydrocarbons to have adequate resources for a contingency plan in the case of a spill. The law makes it mandatory for companies to have …

Russia’s Nornickel Denies Allegations of Cover-Up over Arctic Oil Spill

Pressure is mounting on Russian mining company Norilsk Nickel over an Arctic oil spill that has wiped about 17% off its share price, left it with a hefty compensation bill and exposed it to accusations of covering up the full …

Russian Regulator Seeks $2B in Damages from Nornickel for Arctic Fuel Spill

Russia’s environmental watchdog has asked a power subsidiary of Russian mining giant Norilsk Nickel (Nornickel) to pay almost 148 billion roubles ($2 billion) in damages over an Arctic fuel spill in Siberia. Rosprirodnadzor said in a statement on Monday that …

Unprecedented Arctic Diesel Spill Angers Putin and Could Force Green Reform in Russia

The mishandling of the biggest Arctic oil spill ever infuriated Russian President Vladimir Putin and could give a boost to the country’s environmental regulation. MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC, Russia’s biggest miner, didn’t make a public statement until two days after …

Major Fuel Spill in Russian Arctic Moves Closer to Arctic Ocean: Regional Official

Diesel fuel from a major spill in Russia’s Arctic has reached a pristine lake which is the basin for a river flowing into the Arctic Ocean, a regional official said on Tuesday, but the mining giant embroiled in the scandal …

Massive Fuel Spill in Siberia Blamed on Melting Permafrost – or Climate Change

A massive fuel spill in Siberia prompted Russia to declare a state of emergency in the region as the mining company involved said the catastrophe may have been caused by climate change. Scientists have warned for years that thawing of …