Russia News

Burke Joins Arkansas’ Stephens Insurance

Patrick J. Burke has been appointed as a senior vice president with Stephens Insurance LLC, based in Little Rock, Ark. Burke has spent the last 30 years advising select utilities and utilities mutual insurance companies. He has designed risk coverage …

Piracy Remains a Concern Says Lloyd’s

The news media sometimes neglects important events in an effort to avoid overexposure. But when a new twist occurs, the media returns to the subject with a vengeance. The latest example is the extensive coverage given to the hi-jacking of …

HRH Acquisition Helps Boost Willis’ Revenues by 19% in Q2

Willis Group Holdings Limited (NYSE: WSH) reported the company’s total second quarter revenues were up by 19 percent, an increase due primarily to the HRH acquisition. Total reported revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 2009 were $784 million compared …

Asia-Pacific Nations Decry First-world Protectionist Policies

Some Asia-Pacific nations criticized U.S. and other developed world protectionism on Tuesday at a meeting aimed at spurring a global trade pact and revitalizing the global economy. Thai Commerce Minister Pornthiva Nakasai, meeting her Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation counterparts including the …

G8 Makes Scant Progress to Copenhagen Climate Pact

The G8 summit made scant progress towards a new U.N. climate treaty due to be agreed in December with some nations back-pedaling on promises of new action even before the end of a meeting in Italy. “This hasn’t given me …

G8 Eyes Climate as Summit Includes Emerging Powers

Leaders of the world’s richest nations and major developing powers meet on Thursday to seek common ground on global warming and international trade, with the poorer countries seeking concessions. U.S. President Barack Obama will chair the climate discussions, but hopes …

Ratings Recap: Argus, Leadway, Scandinavia

A.M. Best Co. has downgraded the financial strength rating (FSR) to ‘A-‘ (Excellent) from ‘A’ (Excellent) and assigned issuer credit ratings (ICR) of “a-” to Argus Group Holdings Limited (AGH) and its subsidiaries, Argus Insurance Company Limited (AICL), Somers Isle …

AIG Shareholders Vote on New Directors Today

American International Group Inc., the insurer rescued by a series of federal bailouts, is set to pad out its shrinking board Tuesday when a new slate of directors stands for election at its annual meeting. The nominees will help rebuild …

AIG: ‘Excellent’ Chance It Will Repay Government; New CEO Likely Soon

American International Group Inc., the insurer rescued by $180 billion of federal bailouts, on Tuesday expressed optimism it will be able to repay government loans as it tries to rebound from punishing losses tied to derivatives. AIG held its annual …

ACE Opens Branch Office in Turkey

the ACE European Group announced the opening of a new branch office in Istanbul, Turkey, as it expands its presence across Central and Eastern Europe. ACE said it has “obtained a letter from Turkey’s Under Secretary of Treasury granting the …