Russian shipping News

Russia’s Oil Is Finally Getting Snarled by Sanctions

The Russian oil-export machine funding the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine is finally getting some grit in its gears. Indian oil refiners — Moscow’s second-biggest customers after China since the 2022 invasion — will no longer accept tankers owned by state-run …

Denmark Detains Shadow Fleet Oil Tanker After Ship Collision

Danish maritime authorities have detained a tanker that was due to carry Russian oil after it collided with another ship in its waters earlier this month. The Andromeda Star collided with a cargo ship called Peace south of Copenhagen on …

Shadow-Fleet Oil Tanker Damaged in Collision Near Denmark

A tanker from the shadow fleet of ships assembled to carry Russian oil was involved in a collision near Denmark, casting fresh light on the risks vessels with unknown ownership pose to the world’s oceans. The incident, which involved the …

Russia Oil Fleet Shifts Away From Liberia, Marshall Island Flags as Sanctions Ramp Up

Dozens of oil tankers used by Russia have stopped sailing under the Liberian and Marshall Islands flags in recent weeks after the United States ramped up sanctions enforcement on ships linked to those registries, according to shipping data and interviews …

Russia’s Arctic Shipping Dream Stumbles on Small Aging Fleet

Russia will struggle to meet its strategic goal of more than quadrupling Arctic sea shipments by the end of the decade as the nation cannot increase and upgrade its small, aging ice fleet fast enough, according to the Northern Sea …

Western Curbs on Russian Oil Products Redraw Global Energy Shipping Patterns

Global fuel suppliers are turning to longer and costlier routes that produce more carbon emissions to move their diesel and other products as Western restrictions on Russian cargoes have reshuffled global energy shipping patterns. As a result of the European …

Russia Still Uses Western Insurance for Half of Tanker Fleet That Exports Its Oil

Russia still relies on Western insurers to cover more than half of the tanker fleet that exports its oil, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, and the country’s energy officials are voicing concerns about the situation. The Group of Seven …

Russian Oil Is Being Stored in Ghana as Pool of Buyers Shrinks

A cargo of Russian oil is heading for storage tanks in Ghana, a nation that exports crude itself and is on the doorstep of two regional supply powerhouses. The development suggests that traders could be scouring the market for new …

G-7 Eyes Cap on Price of Russian Oil via Insurance, Shipping Restrictions

Group of Seven nations are discussing a cap on the price of Russian oil that would work by imposing restrictions on insurance and shipping, according to people familiar with the matter. The potential mechanism would only allow the transportation of …

Sovcomflot’s Cargo Ships Fully Covered by Russian Insurers: CEO

Russia’s state-run Sovcomflot has insured all its cargo ships with Russian insurers and the cover meets international rules, the chief executive said, after Western insurers withdrew cover. Western insurers halted insurance cover for Russia’s biggest shipping group when Sovcomflot was …