Russian shipping News

Russia’s Sakhalin 1 Oil Operations Disrupted by Western Sanctions on Insurance: ONGC

Operations at Russia’s Sakhalin 1 oil project will continue to face disruptions for “a couple of months” as Western sanctions have hit insurance cover for ships to transport crude, according to India’s ONGC Videsh, a stakeholder. ONGC Videsh, the overseas …

Reuters: Russia’s State-Owned RNRC to Reinsure Russian Oil Shipments: Sources

State-controlled Russian National Reinsurance Company (RNRC) is now the main reinsurer of Russian ships, including Sovcomflot’s fleet, after Western insurance firms withdrew cover for Russian shipowners, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters. Insurance is essential for maritime transport, …

Insurance Ban on Russian Tankers Could Help Cut Moscow’s Energy Revenues: Yellen

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said a plan to ban European and UK firms from insuring tanker shipments of Russian oil could help limit Moscow’s energy revenues as allied countries seek to curb revenues flowing to Moscow. The U.S. has …

Removing Russian Sea Mines Near Key Ukraine Ports Could Take Months: U.N.

Removing sea mines near Ukraine’s key ports could take months, and hundreds of seafarers are still stranded in the region following Russia’s invasion of the country, according to the United Nations agency responsible for shipping safety. “Even if the ports …

EU Gives Final Nod to Sanctions Targeting Russia’s Oil, Insurance, Sberbank

BRUSSELS – The European Union on Thursday gave its final approval to new sanctions on Russian oil and top bank Sberbank, after much wrangling with Hungary, as punishment for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. EU leaders, …

European Union Seeks to Coordinate Russian Oil Insurance Ban With G-7 Members

The European Union is working to coordinate a ban on providing the insurance services needed to ship Russian oil anywhere in the world with some Group of Seven members, according to people familiar with the matter, in a move that …

EU Poised to Approve Sanctions Against Russia, Covering Oil, Banks and Insurance

European Union ambassadors are set to approve a sixth package of sanctions over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, banning most Russian oil imports by year-end and restricting Russia’s ability to ship crude to countries worldwide. The sanctions would forbid the purchase …

Iran’s Seizure of 2 Greek Oil Tankers Adds Risk to Key Shipping Route

Iran’s seizure of two Greek oil tankers in the Persian Gulf raises the risk of further interruptions to shipments from a region that’s a vital source of global energy supplies. On Friday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps diverted two Greek …

EU Leaders Agree to Pursue Ban on Most Russia Oil; Insurance Prohibition Delayed

European Union leaders agreed to pursue a partial ban on Russian oil, paving the way for a sixth package of sanctions to punish Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, for the invasion of Ukraine. The sanctions would forbid the purchase …

U.S. Seizes Iranian Oil Cargo From Russian-Operated Ship Near Greece: Sources

The United States has confiscated Iranian oil held on a Russian-operated ship near Greece and will send the cargo to the United States aboard another vessel, three sources familiar with the matter said. It was unclear whether the cargo was …