safety inspections News

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to Conduct Safety Inspections

The MBTA is temporarily pulling some of its newer subway cars out of service so it can conduct safety inspections after a derailment this week. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority said it was pulling its next generation Orange Line cars …

Ship Inspectors Conduct Virtual Inspections of Oil Tankers During Pandemic

Ship assessors are resorting to virtual inspections of oil tankers to keep vessels afloat, as the coronavirus pandemic makes physical visits to check for seaworthiness tougher and a slump in fuel demand increases the need for ships as storage. Oil …

Safety Inspections Don’t Hurt Businesses; Do Lower Workers’ Comp Costs: Study

Random inspections of U.S. industrial workplaces lower the risk of workers being injured on the job and have no measurable negative effect on the companies inspected, according to a study in the journal Science. Companies chosen for random inspections by …

U.S. Nuclear Plants to Undergo Safety Reviews

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will conduct a “comprehensive review” of the safety of all U.S. nuclear plants following what U.S. officials are calling the dangerous and complicated situation at Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi reactors. President Barack Obama took the rare …