safety News

Mine Operator Cited for Safety Issues in Fatality at Nevada Gold Mine

Federal mine safety officials have cited an Idaho-based company for inadequate safety controls at a gold mine it operates in northeast Nevada where a worker was killed in an underground collapse in October. The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration …

Washington City Planning Big Driver Bike, Pedestrian Safety Changes

A Washington city is planning changes to make streets safer for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Bellingham residents can expect to see substantial changes to thoroughfares over the next few months as the city continues work on its long-term effort to …

Firefighters Endangered During California Blaze, New Report Shows

Poor communication, short staffing and infighting among agencies may have endangered firefighters who nearly died during the massive Mendocino Complex of wildfires in Northern California, according to a new report released. The Los Angeles Times reported that staff from three …

PG&E Vows to Improve Wildfire Prevention

The nation’s largest utility is promising to overhaul its wildfire-prevention measures in response to growing legal, financial and public pressure over its role in starting some of the most destructive blazes in California history. In a regulatory filing Wednesday, Pacific …

Asbestos Found in University of Montana Building

Montana parents are demanding more information about high levels of asbestos found in a University of Montana building that housed a preschool. The Missoulian reports that the university moved the preschool students to another building on Tuesday after test results …

Judge Says PG&E Has ‘Clear-Cut’ Pattern of Starting Wildfires

A federal judge who has emerged as a vocal critic of PG&E Corp.’s safety record, said the California utility giant has a “clear-cut pattern” of starting wildfires and needs “strong medicine” put in place before this year’s season begins. U.S. …

Specialist Encouraging Radon Tests for Homeowners After Alaska Quake

A state energy specialist is encouraging those affected by last month’s earthquake in south-central Alaska to retest their homes for radon. Radon is an odorless gas that has been linked to cancer. It is formed when uranium underground decays. Art …

Utilities to Cover Power Lines, Expand Weather Monitoring in High Risk Areas

California utilities plan to insulate power lines, increase inspections and build new weather stations in areas at high risk for wildfires in an effort to combat increasingly destructive blazes. Southern California Edison told legislative employees this week it wants to …

Selfie-Takers Told to Stay away from Quake-Buckled Road in Alaska

With sizable shockwaves still emanating from last week’s powerful earthquake, authorities in Alaska are urging the selfie-taking public to stay away from a road that was badly mangled. Some photos posted on social media show people even climbing into large …

Storms up Avalanche Risks Across Rockies in Colorado, Wyoming and Montana

Forecasters have issued warnings of potential avalanches across the Rocky Mountains as early winter snows and ongoing storms bring on the risk of fatal accidents. Dangerous conditions were highlighted by officials over the weekend across much of Colorado, in northwest …