sales training News

The Unpleasantness of Selling and Buying Insurance

Do you have a minute to talk about your death? It isn’t easy to sell life insurance. Investing in a mutual fund, you feel like you’re saving money. Purchasing insurance, you feel like you’re spending it. “It’s not a pleasant …

Astonish Hosts Sales & Marketing Training for Insurance Professionals in Los Angeles on July 18, 2013

Warwick, RI April 2013 โ€“ Astonish, a leading technology, digital marketing, and training provider for insurance agencies, encourages local insurance agency principals, CEOs, and presidents in California and surrounding areas to attend a free one-day sales and marketing training event …

Most Carriers Offer Agents Training Opportunities for Online Sales: Survey

A two-thirds majority of independent insurance agents say their carriers are providing them with training and consulting on how to use their agency websites to increase sales. This is one of the findings in a new survey of more than …

Buyer Facilitation VS Selling

Your Sales iQ By David Connolly Buyer Facilitation VS Selling What’s the difference? Buyer facilitation is helping prospects discover for themselves why they should do business with us. Selling is telling them why they should do business with us. The …

Pre Call Preparation For Sales Success

Written By David Connolly iQ Consulting Inc. The incumbent agent stands between you and sales success. For you to win, they must lose. Understand, we are not just asking prospects to do business with us, we are asking them to …

The Word Strategy

Will Rogers said “it aint so much the things we know that get us in trouble, it’s the things we know that aint so.” Truer words have never been spoken about one of the most abused words in our vocabulary. …

Un-commoditizing Insurance

What makes you better or different than your competition? Ask every agent that question and you’ll get the same answer. I’m not kidding. Don’t believe it? I’ve worked with hundreds of agencies & brokers in North America. The first question …

The Truth About The Competition

Say what you will about the competition- Just don’t say anything bad. The cardinal rule about not bad mouthing the competition is both virtuous, and professional. Knocking the competition usually backfires, and creates a negative impression on the person throwing …

iQ Universal Truth #3 – The Rules of The Insurance Game

iQ Universal Truth #3 The Rules of The Insurance Game One way to look at the competitive arena of insurance sales is to view it as a game. Going in with this attitude lessens the impact of a loss, and …

Pareto’s 80/20 Continued. Shrinking your book for growth

Pareto was right. The 80/20 rule works in insurance. If you applied the 80/20 rule to your book you’ve probably discovered that the top 20% of your clients generate 80% of your revenue. Now what do we do with this …