Sandy damages News

N.J. Transit: Post-Sandy Costs $450M and Still Rising; Federal Funds, Insurance to Cover Losses

The costs continue to mount for New Jersey Transit in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. At its monthly board meeting Wednesday, the agency approved paying another $28 million to a Canadian company to repair locomotives damaged when the rail yard …

N.Y. Charities to Provide 200 Coordinators to Help in Storm Recovery

New York officials and Catholic Charities have announced a $38.5 million program to provide more than 200 coordinators to help residents hurt by Superstorm Sandy recover and get access to needed services. The Disaster Case Management Program provides supplemental federal …

FBI in New Jersey Watching for Sandy Fraud

The FBI in New Jersey is watching to ensure that federal money meant to rebuild after Superstorm Sandy doesn’t find its way into the pockets of corrupt politicians or scam artists. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says $2.5 billion in …

Industry Group Testifies on Sandy Claims Handling Process in New York

An insurance industry association testified about insurers’ response to Superstorm Sandy and the lessons learned at a hearing Tuesday before the New York Assembly Standing Committee on Insurance. The American Insurance Association said the insurance industry’s performance in handling a …

NYC’s South Street Seaport Still a ‘Ghost Town’ Months After Sandy

The historic cobblestone streets and 19th-century mercantile buildings near the water’s edge in lower Manhattan are eerily deserted, a neighborhood silenced by last year’s Superstorm Sandy. Just blocks from the tall-masted ships that rise above South Street Seaport, store interiors …

N.Y. Regulators to Examine 3 Insurers for Claims Practices Related to Sandy

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday that the Department of Financial Services is investigating the claims practices of three insurers following the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. The three insurers are: Narragansett Bay Insurance Company, Tower Insurance Company and Kingstone …

Busy, Stressful Year of Storm Recovery Ahead in New Jersey

Tricia McAvoy is busily preparing for a Christmas party — now set for next summer. She’s making a list of who to invite to a party she’s having. She’s planning the food and drink menu, mentally checking off what can …

Sandy-Flooded Inland Towns in N.J. See No Solutions

Images of New Jersey’s devastated shoreline captivated the nation in the days after Superstorm Sandy.Less noticed was the enormous damage caused inland when earthen barriers along or near the Hackensack River were breached, sending a tidal surge washing over parts …