Sandy flood insurance claims News

PBS/NPR Documentary Adds to Criticism of Private Insurers, FEMA Over Profits on Flood Insurance

Private insurance companies working for the government’s flood insurance program have made hundreds of millions of dollars at the same time that thousands of homeowners are claiming they have been underpaid for damage caused by Superstorm Sandy, according to a …

FEMA’s Sandy Flood Insurance Review Taking Longer Than Expected

The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s review of Superstorm Sandy flood insurance claims is taking longer than expected, with fewer than 200 checks issued. FEMA announced in March the review for as many as 142,000 claims after homeowners complained they were …

FEMA Extends Deadline for Requesting Sandy Claims Review to Oct. 15

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced a 30-day deadline extension for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders who are considering requesting Superstorm Sandy-related payment reviews. The announcement means the initial Sept. 15 deadline has now been formally extended to …

FEMA Encourages Sandy Claimants Seeking Reviews to Meet Sept. 15 Deadline

The Federal Emergency Management Agency says it strongly encourages National Flood Insurance Program policyholders seeking Superstorm Sandy-related payment reviews to submit them by Sept. 15, but will consider all requests that come in. Agency spokesman Rafael Lemaitre said on Aug. …

FEMA Makes 1st New Payments to Sandy Flood Claimants After Review

The federal government has started making new payments to victims of Superstorm Sandy after a review found that some policyholders were not paid what they were due from the National Flood Insurance Program. The Federal Emergency Management Agency announced Monday …

FEMA Sets Sept. 15 Deadline for Requesting Sandy Flood Claims Review

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced that Sept. 15 would be the last day for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders who filed Superstorm Sandy flood claims to sign up for the review process. “While extensions may be granted …

N.J. Sen. Menendez Warns of Predatory Groups Targeting Sandy Victims

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) is urging Sandy victims to be wary of scam-artists offering to help them navigate through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims review process in exchange for a substantial cut …

FEMA: Nearly 1,000 Sandy Claimants Signed Up for Claims Review So Far

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) last week sent out its first round of letters to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders who filed Superstorm Sandy-related claims, offering them a chance to have their claims reviewed — and FEMA …

Jersey Shore Still Recovering as 3rd Post-Sandy Summer Nears

In the months after Superstorm Sandy devastated the Jersey shore, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie warned residents the damage would not be quickly undone. Things would only look moderately better in the first summer after the storm, he said, and …

FEMA Sends Out 1st Round of Letters Offering to Review Sandy Flood Claims

The Federal Emergency Management Agency on Monday mailed out its first round of letters to the National Flood Insurance Program policyholders who filed Superstorm Sandy-related claims, asking whether they want their claims reviewed. FEMA is mailing its letters beginning Monday …