Sandy Hook lawsuit News

Alex Jones Fails to Show Up for Sandy Hook Families’ Lawsuit Deposition

Infowars host Alex Jones failed to show up and testify under oath at a deposition Wednesday in a lawsuit filed by relatives of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, leading the families’ lawyer to call for Jones’ arrest …

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families’ Liability Lawsuit Against Gunmaker

The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to the gun industry, refusing to block a lawsuit against Remington Arms Co. by family members of nine people killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. The lawsuit blames the gunmaker’s …

Sandy Hook Families Can Sue Gunmaker Remington, Court Rules

The gun industry suffered a stinging setback as Connecticut’s top court said families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre could move ahead with their lawsuit against Remington Arms Co. over its marketing of military-style Bushmaster weapons. …

Connecticut High Court to Hear Sandy Hook Victims’ Case Against Gunmaker

Connecticut’s highest court is set to hear arguments on Tuesday in a closely watched case brought by the families of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting against the maker of the assault rifle used by the …

Sandy Hook Families Ask Connecticut Top Court to Hear Suit

The families of some of the 26 children and educators killed at a Connecticut elementary school in 2012 asked the state’s top court on Tuesday to overturn a lower court’s dismissal of their lawsuit against the maker of the gun …