Sandy insurance claims complaint News

N.J.’s Sandy Claims Mediation Program Received 488 Requests So Far

New Jersey has received 488 requests so far for Superstorm Sandy-related claims mediation since the program’s launch in May, officials said Tuesday.Among these requests, 223 claims, so far, have been mediated, of which 68 percent have been settled in some …

Nearly 95% of N.Y. Sandy Claims Closed, Insurers’ Response Report Card Shows

New York State regulators’ latest Sandy response report card shows that almost 95 percent of Superstorm Sandy-related personal and business insurance claims in the state have now been closed. The report card, which is frequently updated, compiles data from 24 …

N.Y. Seeks to Finalize Still-Unresolved Sandy Claims; Insurers to File Weekly Reports

New York regulators said this week insurers would be required to follow additional rules to expedite the resolution of remaining Sandy-related claims in New York. These new regulations will now cut the amount of time an insurer can delay its …

N.Y. Insurers ‘Report Cards’ Show 70% of Sandy Claims Closed With Payment So Far

The New York regulators’ latest Sandy response report cards show 272,878 Sandy-related claims — representing 70 percent of some 389,801 Sandy claims filed in the state — have been closed with payment, as of Feb. 15. Additionally, some 68,247 claims, …

N.Y. Lawmaker Aims to Clamp Down on Unfair Claim Settlement Practices

A New York state lawmaker recently introduced a piece of legislation that aims to prevent unfair claim settlement practices during a declared state emergency.Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R,C,I-Brooklyn, Staten Island) announced on Jan. 13 that she has drafted legislation that would …

N.Y. Insurers’ Sandy Response ‘Report Card’ Shows 0.48% Claims Complaint Rate

The New York regulators’ latest “report cards” on the performance of insurers in the wake of Superstorm Sandy shows that 1,830 consumer complaints have been filed from 381,827 Sandy-related claims — at the rate of 0.48 percent. The information in …