Sandy loss News

Latest Sandy-Loss Estimates From Axis Capital, Platinum, Beazley

Axis Capital Holdings Ltd. said this week its preliminary estimate of the total net financial impact of Sandy is around $300 million — net of tax and estimated recoveries from reinsurance and including estimated reinstatement premiums. The Pembroke, Bermuda-based provider …

W.R. Berkley Estimates $40-$50 Million Net Loss From Sandy

W.R. Berkley Corp. announced it expects catastrophe losses attributable to Superstorm Sandy will be between $40 million and $50 million, before tax. The Greenwich, Conn.-based insurer said Thursday its loss estimate gives consideration to all currently available reinsurance and is …

After Sandy, New York City Eyes Moving Power Gear Higher

A major push is on to move New York City’s electrical infrastructure to higher ground or upper floors after Superstorm Sandy sent seawater pouring into low-lying substations and skyscraper basements and plunged half of Manhattan into darkness for four days. …

N.Y. Banks, Lenders to Expedite Insurance Payments to Homeowners

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday that major banks and mortgage servicers will take action to expedite insurance payments to New York homeowners in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. Currently, insurance claim checks must be endorsed by the banks …

Chubb Estimates $570 Million Net Loss From Superstorm Sandy

The Chubb Corporation announced it estimates its losses from Sandy to be approximately $880 million before tax — or $570 million after tax.These amounts include estimated losses and loss expenses net of reinsurance recoverable and also include estimated reinsurance reinstatement …

Hanover Insurance Estimates $120-140M Net Loss From Sandy

The Hanover Insurance Group Inc. announced its preliminary loss estimate from Superstorm Sandy. The Worcester, Mass.-based insurer said it currently estimates the net after-tax earnings impact of the storm to be in the range of $120 to $140 million. Based …

Post-Sandy, Weather Service Considers Change to Hurricane Warnings

The National Weather Service is considering changing how it issues hurricane watches and warnings.Spokesman Chris Vaccaro said in an email last week that the weather service is considering a proposal to issue watches and warnings for storms that threaten life …

The Hartford Says Sandy Losses $370 Million

Insurer Hartford Financial Services Group Inc said on Tuesday it expects pretax losses of $370 million from Superstorm Sandy, which ravaged New York and New Jersey in October.The Hartford said 60 percent of the losses were in commercial segments and …

AIG Estimates $1.3B Net Losses From Superstorm Sandy

American International Group Inc. announced that its preliminary estimate of the company’s after-tax losses related to Superstorm Sandy — net of reinsurance — will total approximately $1.3 billion.The estimate reflects a pre-tax loss estimate, net of reinsurance, totaling some $2.0 …

New York Superstorm Warnings Went Unheeded for Decades, Observers Say

More than three decades before Superstorm Sandy, a state law and a series of legislative reports began warning New York politicians to prepare for a storm of historic proportions, spelling out scenarios eerily similar to what actually happened: a towering …