Virus from Africa Kills Horses in Thailand, Showing Dangers of Biosecurity Gaps

When horses suddenly started dying in Thailand as the nation locked down to stem the spread of COVID-19, researchers feared the cause was another deadly bat-borne virus that could kill humans. “We had no idea what was causing it,” said …

New Coronavirus Outbreak: Marsh Recommends Immediate Steps for Multinationals

The effects on multinational businesses from a potentially worsening Wuhan coronavirus outbreak could be severe, which is why they need to review, test and potentially update plans related to business continuity, crisis management and crisis communications, according to Marsh in …

China’s New Coronavirus Doesn’t Always Cause a Fever so Detection May Be Difficult

China’s new deadly virus is more difficult to contain than other pandemics because those infected may not get a fever, a symptom governments around the world are using to screen for the pathogen. The National Health Commission told local governments …

Pandemic Fears Grow as China Steps Up Efforts to Control New Flu-Like Coronavirus

Deaths from China’s new flu-like virus rose to nine on Wednesday with more than 470 confirmed cases, heightening global fears of contagion from an infection suspected to have come from animals. The previously unknown and contagious coronavirus strain emerged from …

China’s Mysterious Respiratory Virus Spreads to Health Workers, Different Countries

China’s mysterious respiratory virus has caused six deaths and infected a number of medical workers, a sign the outbreak has entered a new phase with the illness spreading from person to person. Health-care workers contracting the new illness indicates that …

AIR Worldwide Expands Global Pandemic Model to Include 6 Additional Diseases

Boston-based catastrophe risk modeling firm AIR Worldwide (AIR) announced it has expanded its Global Pandemic Model to include outbreaks of six additional diseases. The model now explicitly accounts for nine pathogens, including bacterial and viral diseases, in addition to previously …

Rio Olympics Will Proceed – Despite Zika Epidemic: Munich Re Underwriter

Should the Olympics proceed in Rio de Janeiro in August as planned? With the lighting of the torch set to take place in less than three months, a handful of medical experts are calling for the games to be postponed …

Zika Exclusion Now Commonplace in Cancellation Cover for Latin America Events

Organizers of rock concerts and conferences in Latin America or fringe events at the Rio Olympics beware: if you still need insurance to cover cancellation due to the Zika virus, it’s probably too late. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) should …

New SARS-like Virus Detected in Middle East

British health authorities have alerted the U.N. of a new respiratory virus that resembles SARS in a severely ill patient who recently traveled to Saudi Arabia, where another man died of a similar illness earlier this year. The man in …