Sasria Insurance Ltd. News

South Africa’s State Insurer Sasria Looking for Bigger Bailout

CAPE TOWN — South Africa’s state-owned insurance company Sasria is in talks with National Treasury for a larger bailout than the 3.9 billion rand ($272 million) already promised, its managing director told a parliamentary committee on Wednesday. Sasria, the only …

South Africa’s State Insurer to Raise Premiums to Cover Riot-Related Reinsurance Costs

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa’s only insurer covering political violence will increase its premiums to cover a rise in reinsurance costs following some of the worst unrest in decades, the head of the state-owned company told Reuters. More than 300 people …

S. African Riot Insurer to Shoulder Bulk of Claims After Days of Violent Civil Unrest

As calm begins to return to South Africa following days of violent riots that caused billions of rand in damage, questions are being asked about who will foot the bill. While some claims will be assessed by heavyweight insurers such …