school shootings News

House Approves School Safety Bill

The House overwhelmingly approved a bill to improve school safety Wednesday, the first gun-related action by Congress since the shooting that left 17 dead at a Florida high school. The bill authorizes $500 million over 10 years for grants to …

As Active Shooter Incidents Increase, Industry Addresses Coverage ‘Gray Area’

There’s a new insurance market emerging in light of a disturbing reality in today’s world – active shooter risks. The new coverage is meant to address a gray area in insurance policies that may leave insureds vulnerable to claims in …

Kentucky School Faculty Learn ‘Stop the Shooter’ Survival Actions

In less than five seconds after hearing gunfire, almost 60 faculty and staff cleared the media room at Mason County Intermediate School in Mayside, Kentucky, through only two exits, or into locked rooms, away from where the shots came from. …

Rate of School Shootings in U.S. Unchanged Amid Increased Security

There’s been no real reduction in the number of U.S. school shootings despite increased security put in place after the rampage at a Connecticut elementary school in December 2012 left 20 children and six educators dead. An Associated Press analysis …