school violence News

Virginia School: Workers’ Comp Bars $40M Suit by Teacher Shot by 6-Year Old

The Newport News public school board says the $40 million lawsuit filed against it by the teacher who was shot by a six-year old is barred by the state’s workers’ compensation law that is the exclusive remedy for workplace injuries. …

Report Finds Decline in Public School Violence, Bullying

The number of violent attacks and incidents of bullying in American public schools has gone down in recent years, according to a federal report published Thursday. Violence and bullying were more frequent in middle schools than in high schools or …

Today’s Climate of Crime, Safety and Security at Schools, Colleges

One in every 5 middle and high school students has complained of being bullied at school and the number of reports of sexual assault on college campuses has more than tripled over the past decade, according to a federal study. …

Colorado Schools Liable For Violence Under New Law

Legislation to allow lawsuits against Colorado schools when there are shootings or other violence was signed into law this week by Gov. John Hickenlooper. With the law, Colorado will be among a few states that allow school lawsuits for cases …

Colorado School District Liability Bill Moving Through Legislature

A novel approach to make public schools liable for campus violence under a measure is advancing in Colorado, even as lawmakers from both parties wonder whether liability will prevent the next mass shooting. The bill that won bipartisan approval 4-1 …

Debate Begins Over School Violence Liability In Colorado

A bill to make Colorado schools liable for shootings faces this week in the state Legislature. A Senate committee starts work on the measure inspired by the 2013 shooting death of Claire Davis at Arapahoe High School in Littleton. The …

Alabama School Safety Summit Focuses on Preventing Shootings

Participants in a heavily attended Statehouse summit in Montgomery on school safety agreed Wednesday that taking steps to prevent tragedies like the Connecticut shooting massacre will be a priority when the Alabama Legislature opens its regular session next month. “We …