sea levels News

Global Temperatures Hit Record High for 3rd Year in Row in 2016

World temperatures hit a record high for the third year in a row in 2016, creeping closer to a ceiling set by the Paris climate change deal, with extremes including unprecedented heat in India and ice melt in the Arctic, …

Earth Gains Coastal Land Areas as Man-Made Expansion Outpaces Sea Level Rise

The Earth has gained coastal land equivalent to the size of Jamaica in the past 30 years with man-made construction outpacing erosion caused by rising sea levels, mapping data showed on Thursday [Aug. 25]. Expansion of ports off China, construction …

Pacific Islanders Plead for Action on Climate Change as Sea Levels Rise

The village where Anote Tong attended school some 40 years ago is no longer there. As the Pacific Ocean encroached on the settlement, the villagers left for higher ground. “There is a church building and a meeting house, but nobody …

Arctic Melt Creates Weakest Gulf Stream in 1,000 Years, Weather Shifts Expected

Gulf Stream water currents in the Atlantic Ocean have slowed to the weakest in as long as 1,000 years, threatening shifts in U.S. and European weather, as well as coastal sea levels including in New York and Boston. The currents …

Even Richer Nations Face Climate ‘Danger Zone,’ Scientists Say

With prospects of containing global warming slipping away, a team of scientists urged policymakers to redouble their efforts to rein in pollution, saying human activity risks turning even rich nations into a “danger zone.” The researchers led by Stockholm University …

Some Future Effects of Climate Change Are Inevitable: World Bank

Some future impacts of climate change, such as more extremes of heat and sea level rise, are unavoidable even if governments act fast to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the World Bank said. Past and predicted emissions from power plants, factories …

Global Investors Call for Action on Serious Climate Danger

A coalition of the world’s largest investors called on governments on Tuesday to ramp up action on climate change and boost clean-energy investment or risk trillions of dollars in investments and disruption to economies. In an open letter, the alliance …

Evidence for Climate Extremes, Costs, Gets More Local

Scientists are finding evidence that man-made climate change has raised the risks of individual weather events, such as floods or heat waves, marking a big step towards pinpointing local costs and ways to adapt to freak conditions. “We’re seeing a …

New Antarctic Ice Shelf Threatened by Global Warming

Scientists are predicting the disappearance of another vast ice shelf in Antarctica by the end of the century that will accelerate rising sea levels. The Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf fringing the Weddell Sea on the eastern side of Antarctica has so …

IPCC Report Concludes Extreme Weather to Worsen with Climate Change

An increase in heat waves is almost certain, while heavier rainfall, more floods, stronger cyclones, landslides and more intense droughts are likely across the globe this century as the Earth’s climate warms, U.N. scientists said on Friday. The U.N. Intergovernmental …