sea surface temperatures News

El Niño Expected to Become One of Strongest on Record: UN’s Weather Agency

The El Niño weather pattern, a phenomenon associated with extreme droughts, storms and floods, is expected to strengthen before the end of the year and become one of the strongest on record, the U.N. weather agency said on Monday. The …

Guy Carpenter Predicts El Niño Event Will Bring Fewer Tropical Cyclone Landfalls

El Niño years bring disruptive weather, such as floods and drought, but have an added benefit of leading to fewer than average tropical cyclone landfalls, according to predictions issued by the Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre (GCACIC). As a …

As Nine Storms Roar Across the Pacific Ocean, Two Forces Are to Blame

The Pacific Ocean, named for placidity, is roaring. In the past week, eight tropical systems — and that includes two major typhoons — have formed across the Pacific from China to Mexico. On top of that, another system developed in …

El Niño Forming in Pacific Is Turbocharged by Tropical Cyclones

The El Niño forming across the Pacific has been turbocharged by a series of tropical cyclones that helped to shift the direction of trade winds, potentially adding to warming that’s evoking parallels with the record 1997-98 event. Several cyclones, including …

NOAA Research Warns Global Warming Continues Unabated

The pace of global warming hasn’t slowed since 1998, a finding that contradicts a major United Nations study and challenges a key argument of skeptics of manmade climate change. Temperatures since 2000 have risen at a pace that is “virtually …

El Niño Strengthens as Pacific Temperatures Show Same Trend as ’97-’98

The El Niño taking hold across the Pacific strengthened, according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, citing indexes of sea-surfaces temperatures that showed the same trend for the first time since the event in 1997-1998. All five NINO indexes, averaged over …

El Niño Likely to Last Through Northern Hemisphere Summer: U.S. Forecaster

The El Niño climate phenomenon is almost certain to last through the Northern Hemisphere summer, the U.S. weather forecaster said, raising the chance of heavy rain in the southern United States as well as South America, and scorching heat in …

El Nino Emerges; Asia-Pacific Region Faces Months of Disruptive Weather

In 2009, the El Nino brought the worst drought in four decades to India. It razed wheat fields in Australia and damaged crops across Asia. Food prices surged. A closely watched forecast by Japan on Tuesday confirmed its return this …

El Nino May Develop by June; Australia Issues Alert on Tropical Pacific Ocean

An El Nino may develop by June, according to Australia’s state forecaster, which upgraded its outlook for the weather-altering pattern to Alert. Ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean continue to be warmer-than-average, trade winds remain weaker-than- average and all …

UN’s Weather Agency Warns 2014 May Be Warmest on Record

Record high ocean temperatures will make 2014 the hottest year on record, or at least among the very warmest, in evidence of a long-term trend of global warming, the U.N.’s weather agency said on Wednesday. Including this year, 14 of …